Three Lots at Village Hill, Northampton, MA
- Northwest Corner - (parcel ID 38A-152-001)
- Southeast Corner of Route 66 & L33 Harris Driveway - (parcel ID 38A-125-001)
- Earle Street Lot 12B - (parcel ID 38A-114-001)
Proposed Use / Reuse
- Northwest Corner; Commercial/Retail
- Southeast Corner of Route 66 & L3 Harris Driveway; Commercial/Retail
- Earle Street Lot 12B; Industrial
Current Status
Parcel Acreage
- 0.77 Acres
- 0.64 Acres
- 2.93 Acres
Zoning District
Planned Village (PV)
MassDevelopment, 99 High Street., Boston, MA
- Undeveloped, 43D Priority Development Site, PWED for road construction, Village Hill Rd pedestrian facilities, bike share station.
- Infrastructure, including road access utilities,site cleared and lot created for development, 43D Priority Development Site.
- Shared driveway access built, PWED, Earle Street upgrades with bicycle and pedestrian access,, 43D Priority Development Site.